August 15, 2006

I'm back...

But I probably won't resume regular blogging for a few more days. When we returned from vacation Sunday afternoon, we discovered a bit of flooding in the basement due to a burst hot water heater. We're currently up to our elbows in various replacement & remediation crews. Thank god for insurance. When I do return to blogging, we'll just have to wait and see how my current state of sabbaticality affects the frequency and contents of my posting. Aside from a couple of longish thematic posts I have in mind, there is no plan.

The vaction itself was great. We spent a bit more than 3 weeks in a cottagy place in Magog, Quebec (Wikipedia), in spitting distance of a beach Lac Memphrémagog. It was great. Very restful, very quiet, with go-carting, mini-put and bowling breaks to keep the younger set happy. We saw two movies, the kiddy oriented Asterix et les Vikings which was pretty good (not sure if there's an English version yet) and the absolutely hilariously fantastic Bon Cop, Bad Cop. For my Canuck readers out there, this movie is an absolutely must-see. It's a perfectly bilingual Anglo/Franco take on the mismatched cop buddy film that hits a lot of Canadian stereotypes perfectly, and very fairly, while still having a pretty good thriller plot. Non-Canadians would probably also enjoy the film, even if some of the Anglo vs. Franco bits are a bit mystifying. I believe the English-Canadian version opens this Friday. That's the version with the French dialogue subtitled. We saw the one with the English dialogue subtitled.

Vacation thanks go to the very fine (and very busy) Memphrémagog Public Library where we checked our email on a weekly basis and to the Casablanca B&B where we spent the night in Kingston on the way back. Very friendly, great breakfast.

Update: I just posted the write-up on my cottage reading contest winners on the other blog.


Peter said...

Here I am, exploring library blogs in an attempt to find ones that may be relevant to my library's discussion of promotion and tenure norms, and up pops your blog in a search, John. I'll be sure to check it out a bit more at length later!

John Dupuis said...

No problem, Peter. If you want some more in depth info for comparason purposes on how things work at York, feel free to email me. Not only did I pass through the tenure process, I was also on the tenure-granting committee for 3 yrs.

Take care,