April 9, 2007

LabLit survey: Most likely reason a scientist will leave research?

LabLit does these occasional surveys, and they're always interesting.

This one is on finding the Most likely reason a scientist will leave research? and the various options are:

  • Can't find a permanent position
  • Desires to earn a higher salary
  • Sees no correlation between hard work and eventual success
  • Wants to make a greater impact on society
  • Feels love of science could be better expressed in another career

If you're a research scientist, or if you used to be one and left, you're tagged. It would really be interesting in hearing more on this question.

Btw, I do wish they had a spot on LabLit where they had all the surveys and results listed. Or if they do, they should link to it from each survey so I could find it easily. Hey, LabLit, if you're listening...

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