February 27, 2008

L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards

Thanks to Nicolas Barnabe of Labelium for bringing the 2008 edition of the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards to my attention.

Here are the 5 laureates:

  • Ada Yonath -- For her structural studies of the protein biosynthesis system and its disruption by antibiotics

  • Elisabeth Kim -- For elucidating the formation of a new class of RNA molecules involved in gene regulation

  • Ana Belen Elgoyhen -- For her contributions to the understanding of the molecular basis of hearing

  • Elisabeth Blackburn -- For the discovery of the nature and maintenance of chromosome ends and their roles in cancer and aging

  • Lidadh Al-Gazali -- For her contributions to the characterization of inherited disorders

A word to the wise -- most of the other pages that are part of the site are so jumped up on Flash and other crap that they're practically unreadable and unusable.

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