January 15, 2007

Science videos on the web

Coincidentally (or not?), both inkycircus and LabLit have articles discussing and pointing to a bunch of different sources of science-related video content on the web.

Personally, I love this kind of stuff and could watch it all day if I let myself. A few of the suggestions from the two articles, featuring both new shows/videos and oldies-but-goodies:

Of course, searches on YouTube and Google Video also turn up a lot of interesting content. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Dave Bradley said...

I posted to the Sciencebase site a video showing pop sci experimentalist Robert Krampf demonstrating water's properties using a balloon filled with water held in a candle flame. I thought it was quite an impressive demo, it never occurred to me that it was at all controversial. But, this morning I had an outraged email telling me this video is dangerous and that kids could start filling balloons with inflammable liquids and cause themselves and others serious harm.

I called the post "Saving a Balloon with Water" and you can watch the video here

Should I remove the vid, is it really going to wreak havoc in households across the world when kids start filling balloons with petrol, lighter fluid, and other nasties. Or is it just a bit of harmful fun with far more exciting alternatives on Youtube and elsewhere like WD40 stunts and Mentos and Diet Coke tricks, for kids intent on wreaking havoc to try?
