November 15, 2007

Software Enabling Technologies for Petascale Science

That's the title of the special issue of CTWatch Quarterly, v3i4. It should be of great interesting to anyone looking at computational science or escience.

A sampling of the table of contents (most of the papers have numerous authors):

A few pointers to CTWatch and other ejournal publishers, from a librarian's point of view:

  • Please make it more obvious where the unique link is for each issue. If each issue is initially set up on the journal home page, which is ok, but when I link to it from a post like this I want easy access to a stable link for that issue.

  • Each article should have a DOI, visible from the table of contents and on each article. The DOIs should be complete and linked where ever they appear, ie. not just the unique part of the DOI but the whole thing.

  • I appreciate that I can print the whole issue in PDF (which I have done for some issues). But, each article should also be printable in PDF. PDF versions just print better than HTML.

  • Every viewable version of the article should have the complete DOI, stable URL and complete bibliographic information clearly visible on the first page. If there are page numbers that are applicable in the printable version of the whole issue, then they should be included in the bibliographic information and on each page of the PDF version of the article.

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