June 17, 2008

JCDL/DL: International Conference on Digital Libraries

This is a conference I have to get to one of these days. This year's edition is actually going on right now in Pittsburgh -- ironically, since I'll be in Pittsburgh next week for ASEE. Had I been sufficiently foresightful, it would have made a great two week visit!

You can see the program on the Conference web site here.

The ACM also has the proceedings online already! Here's some very brief excerpts from the TOC:


Anonymous said...

Hi Jon, saw you on logs of note and realized you were close to my home town - Buffalo. You have some really informative stuff here! Great to meet you!

John Dupuis said...

Hi Laura, Thanks for the kind words. Go Bills Go!

KImberly, I can't imagine any more boring a movie than one based on a science librarian blog.